Friday, August 3, 2007


This place has become like a home to me. Over this past week or so I have felt completely comfortable here, as if I have been here for a very long time. I thank God that I have fallen into the routine of this life so quickly, but at the same time it will be very hard for me to leave when the time comes. Luckily that is over 2 weeks away.
Tonight I had a very special prayer time with Frew and Frehiwot. We prayed by ourselves for some time and then came together and prayed aloud. I am amazed at this family, even though they have so little they share so much. I can only imagine what kind of burden it must be to take in a person for one month, especially in a country where everyone is so poor. Even so, they will not let me pay for anything (the only times I have been allowed to pay is when it's only me and Frew drinking coffee or tea, and he has only allowed me to do this twice). This family truly has been a blessing to me. This is how I look at the situation, they are the ones blessing me...however, they are so humble that they think I am the blessing. I do not see how this can be true and yet, this is the kind of family they are...truly wonderful.
Another thing that struck me tonight, and this has struck me many times before, is that they have so little and yet are willing to give of themselves who have even less. They taught their children to pray "Dear Lord, thank you for this food that you give us today and give to those who have none. Amen". They understand that even though they are poor compared to much of the world, they still have food, shelter and clothing and a little extra. So, with that extra they give to those around who do not have the first three. It is truly amazing and is a beautiful thing. I wish there were more people like this in the world, if there were maybe it would be a better place. I wish that you could all meet these people. It is not only the family I am staying with, but the entire team of Ethiopians that we work with over here (I will try to post a picture of them soon).

Ok, I've said enough times about how amazed I am by these people...


Lisa said...

hey dan! the blog is great - i love the stories and pictures. i'm touched by your experiences and how you tell them. glad all is going well and that you have such a great family to stay with....i look forward to the next entry. be well,
p.s.- we miss you at work!

markrussum said...

I remember learning in my World Hunger course last semester how the poor give way more then the rich do in charity and gifts. I forget the stats but I think it is like the poor give 10-20% of the little they have to people who are even lesser then them, while the rich give 1%. Although that 1% may exceed greatly the amount that the poor are giving, it is still unbelievable that the poor are able to give so much in correlation with how much they have. These are true lessons your learning Dan, may they empower and bless you deeply.