Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ethiopian Churches Are Amazing

Yesterday we went to Eshete's graduation party. There was wonderful food (the doro wat was awesome and there was also kitfo). I got some good pictures there. I will have to edit them on my laptop to make them small enough to upload on a dial up connection. If all goes well, I might have them later. Though, I think we are going out to eat kitfo (raw beef, or semi cooked beef dish, it's my favorite) tonight for Frehiwot's birthday.

This morning we went to church. Ethiopians sure do love going to church, they shout and sing and praise and make all kinds of noises. And they also dance around like it's nobodies business. I didn't understand the words at all, but a little bit was translated to me. The sermon was on Jonah. Even though I understood very little, it was still a beautiful service.

I'm sorry that I have not posted any stories about Ethiopians yet. Mostly it is because I have only been with people that I know so far. Once I start going to the village, I will have more personal stories about people. I hope that the blog has not been too boring so far (but I am sure it has been, ha). Even so, it will be better in a few days after I start taking trips to the village.

Be well.

1 comment:

markrussum said...

You eat that Kitfo. You eat it up good.