Thursday, July 26, 2007

First day in Addis


Well, I made it here just fine. It was a really long travel and the route I took was rather unproductive (Philly to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to London, London to Beirut, Beirut to Ethiopia...I actually flew over London on the way to Frankfurt and over Frankfurt on the wait to Beirut...oh well, it saved money, ha). It was actually rather nice having all of that time to myself, alone time has been hard to come by this summer and I realized how much I missed it. I got a lot of reading done along the way; I finished The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and started on My Ishmael. Both were enjoyable. I also watched the figure skating movie with Will Ferrell, that guy from Napolean was actually pretty funny.

So, I got settled in last night around 4am (my trip was delayed about 2 hours somewhere along the way). Needless to say, I slept like a baby. I have my own room here, which is rather nice. I woke up at 1pm today and ate some homeade injera and was simply wonderful. It's kind of cold here and rainy (which is to be expected, it is rainy season after all).

It looks like I probably won't be going into Sendafa until Monday. Dr. Frew (the man that is in charge of my church's project over here and the person whom I am staying with) wants to conserve some money and there are some things that need to be taken care of in Addis Ababa first. So, I'll have a few days to settle in here before I start working in the village again. I'm very excited to see Sendafa and see what has changed since I have been there last. Apparently there has been a lot of construction going on, so it should look quite different.

It's been a nice day so far (I've only been up for about 2 hours). But I sat around talking with Dr. Frew and his father about worls issues, Christianity, the condition of this country, the condition of was a nice conversation. It's good to reunite with friends.

I guess that's all that I have to say for now. I should have pretty regular access to the internet, so it shouldn't be too long until I post again.

Hope all is well with all of you,
take care


Anonymous said...

cool blog

markrussum said...

dan for some strange reason your text doesn't show up on the page with the black background...I had to highlight the words to see them...Is there something wrong with my browser settings or what?

Well regardless...I am glad you are there safe. I must say it is strange now having you here...last night and the night before were fairly calm. 47's lights are almost always looks as if no one lives there already. You will be missed until you return.